Write something in the document below!
- There is at least one public document in every node in the Agora. Whatever you write in it will be integrated and made available for the next visitor to read and edit.
- Write to the Agora from social media.
Sign up as a full Agora user.
- As a full user you will be able to contribute your personal notes and resources directly to this knowledge commons. Some setup required :)
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An input variable used in making predictions.
Feature Requests
- #push [[agora-plan]]
[[dan whaley]]
- Subnodes should show date created, date last updated.
- Would like to be able to sync [[remnote]] notes.
- [[foam]] Los títulos de las notas en español deberían usar minúsculas (siguiendo la convención apropiada para el español).
[[vaughn tan]]
- It would be nice to have a way to export rendered gardens as static html, with data such as calculated backlinks baked in.
- Meta FR: look at special pages from [[wikipedia]]: https://twitter.com/metasj/status/1346180724861394944
- Got an [[agora]] [[feature request]]: have http://anagora.org detect "dangling links" in gardens, that is, wikilinks that have no target note. Good for people that want to notice and tie up "loose ends" in their garden.
Abstract Fairy: I. Agora sequences The main value I find in a book is structure. A well written book shows you how an idea came to be, related ideas, its limitations, and how you can play around with it. I think the Agora should have smth like that. Smth similar to LW sequences. It can be implemented through having a node of links
Abstract Fairy: II. Abstracts If possible, I think it would be nice for nodes to have previews / abstracts to make it easy to skim through a large amount fo them for searching. Naturally, I think there should be a word count for this to make it easy to digest
Abstract Fairy: III. Twitter and QT as block references. Agora as a social network I think QT is effectively using a block refrence. so, I think the Agora (if modified into a social network) could operate on a similar basis Abstracts would be important to get a quick overview of a node (pls no 20+ tabs like LW)
Maybe somewhere down the line, the Agora could work like that. We could have an online editor for people to quickly dump their thoughts into the Agora. And we could have a feed, here are the new nodes your friends made, here are the new blocks they've written / edited significantly
I actually really like how everyone's nodes are displayed, it can really put stuff into perspective :)
- titushora the [[Agora]] should look like this: https://twitter.com/TitusHora/status/1325147589197484036
Feature column (tf.feature_column)
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A function that specifies how a model should interpret a particular feature. A list that collects the output returned by calls to such functions is a required parameter to all Estimators constructors.
The tf.feature_column functions enable models to easily experiment with different representations of input features. For details, see the Feature Columns chapter in the TensorFlow Programmers Guide.
"Feature column" is Google-specific terminology. A feature column is referred to as a "namespace" in the VW system (at Yahoo/Microsoft), or a field.
feature cross
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A synthetic feature formed by crossing (taking a Cartesian product of) individual binary features obtained from categorical data or from continuous features via bucketing. Feature crosses help represent nonlinear relationships.
feature engineering
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The process of determining which features might be useful in training a model, and then converting raw data from log files and other sources into said features. In TensorFlow, feature engineering often means converting raw log file entries to tf.Example protocol buffers. See also tf.Transform.
Feature engineering is sometimes called feature extraction.
feature extraction
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Overloaded term having either of the following definitions:
Retrieving intermediate feature representations calculated by an unsupervised or pretrained model (for example, hidden layer values in a neural network) for use in another model as input.
Synonym for feature engineering.
feature set
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The group of features your machine learning model trains on. For example, postal code, property size, and property condition might comprise a simple feature set for a model that predicts housing prices.
feature spec
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Describes the information required to extract features data from the tf.Example protocol buffer. Because the tf.Example protocol buffer is just a container for data, you must specify the following:
the data to extract (that is, the keys for the features)
the data type (for example, float or int)
The length (fixed or variable)
The Estimator API provides facilities for producing a feature spec from a list of FeatureColumns.
feature vector
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The list of feature values representing an example passed into a model.
a simple on-click card to keep the thing going until I build something better.
Here is an example(click on the card):
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."
For all you know, this could be used for some interesting things if you have a tutorials website where you write posts on technical concepts. So that's that.
The Gimmicks
Profile Board for Main Site
If you have ever used a social media with feeds you probably have stalked the profiles of people you find interesting, but the problem is as much as the mystery gets someone into look at your profile, it also makes them form opinions. If the profile reads author, you see their feed one way; and if it says scientist from Caltech, you see it the other. I mean as much as authority is a thing to form opinions about, it also alienates people from what could potentially have been a great relation if not for the credentiality and appearance. So, the idea with the profile board was to get done with this stuff right away so that people can enjoy the content instead of going profile hunting on your credibility and accomplishments and appearances to judge and validate their opinions by validating you.
Here is the screenshot:
Omnisearch bar
This is inspired by the browsers like Chrome and Firefox where the searchbar is always placed at the top so that readers can easily search for the next thing without having to go back to the main page and scroll through dozens of articles.
And I personally like this one because, it allows me as an author/writer to quickly jump between different posts while I am reading my articles to reference in my other articles.
Here is a screenshot:
Note: The searchbar is not implemented as a scrollspying widget that pins itself automatically is because I have a preference for distraction free content when reading, that is why the website provides a chevron to scroll to the top easily instead of pinning the search to the header.
Feed-like structure
I am a big fan of Aza Raskin's infinite scroll design and the fact that it provides such an easy way to engage users is just mind-blowing. That said, I must also confess that I am not a big fan of infinite scrolls on social media websites given their addictive nature. Blogs are fundamentally finite in nature. I mean even if you are a highly productive individual who writes a thousand page essay a day, you would have only written 365 essays and not all of them interesting to me. So having a feed-like structure on blogs I feel is fundamental to allowing users to engage in a more neutral way.
And if you are still not sure of its utility, go join twitter or facebook or instagram, and comeback to read this again after a month or so.
Untill then here is the screenshot:
Auto-tagging WIP posts on the feed
Sometimes you are writing something interesting but have not completed the entire thing, lets say like a series of posts on single, it can be helpful to show users right away on the feed/homepage the status so that when they click the post, their expectations are already managed.
Here is a screenshot.
Clickable tags
If you go the posts on the homepage, and go inside any of them and try to click on the tags such as date or category, you will see that it takes you to a page with all the posts belonging to that tag or date. Just a nifty little feature.
And that is all! Thanks for scrolling all the way through to see all the features. Now if you'd like to know how to use this theme, head over to the post titled [[How to setup Simply Jekyll]]. And if you would like to see how to use these features, head over to [[How to use Simply Jekyll features on your website]]
P.S If you use VSCode like me for content creation and authoring, and are interested in autocompletion of titles when you write your notes. You can use a small VSCode plugin that I wrote for myself to ease up my writing process: [[Notecomplete::https://github.com/raghuveerdotnet/scratchpad/tree/master/note-complete]]
Features of the Agora
- public document at doc.anagora.org/feature|feature
- video call at meet.jit.si/feature|feature